Kas yra „Montessori“ ugdymas?
„Montessori“ ugdymas yra į vaiką orientuotas požiūris į mokymąsi, pabrėžiantis pagarbą vaiko individualumui ir natūralų vystymosi tempą. Ši ugdymo filosofija, kurią XX a. pradžioje sukūrė dr. Maria Montessori, skirta skatinti jaunų besimokančiųjų, ypač 1–6 metų, nepriklausomybę, tyrinėjimą ir kūrybiškumą.
Kodėl „Montessori“ ugdymas?
Montessori early education stands apart from play-based childcare in several significant ways. The primary distinctions arise from the Montessori Curriculum, the Montessori Materials, the roles of educators, and the Prepared Environment. Montessori education is specifically crafted to create an optimal learning atmosphere that fosters children’s full potential. In contrast to traditional preschools, Montessori schools focus on nurturing the holistic development of children by offering a carefully structured environment, educational resources, and guidance that encourages self-discovery. This approach emphasizes active learning, allowing children to progress at their own pace through hands-on activities tailored to their individual interests and needs. Montessori classrooms are designed to promote independence, with children engaging in self-directed activities that help them develop real-world skills. The environment is meticulously organized, enabling children to explore and learn through interaction with specially designed materials. The aim of Montessori education is to equip children with the knowledge and skills necessary to become confident, independent, and lifelong learners.
Key Principles of Montessori Education
„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Personalizuota programa
Montessori educational programs are tailored to the individual child, taking into account their specific developmental stage, interests, and needs. Lessons using Montessori Materials are delivered in a one-on-one setting, aligned with each child's academic advancement. Teachers monitor each child's progress and provide support as they navigate the Montessori Curriculum.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Kelių amžiaus grupių klasė
Įvairaus amžiaus vaikų grupės yra unikali „Montessori“ programos klasės dalis. Klasėje yra dvi skirtingos amžiaus grupės: jaunesni mokiniai natūraliai daugiau išmoksta iš vyresnių bendraamžių, o vyresni mokiniai dažniausiai pasilieka daugiau informacijos, kai jos moko jaunesniems. Be to, skirtingo amžiaus ir etapo vaikai kartu klasėje imituoja realų pasaulį, mokydami mokinius, kaip sutarti su įvairaus amžiaus ir pomėgių žmonėmis.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Paruošta aplinka
The Montessori classroom is known as the ‘Prepared Environment’ because a trained Montessori teacher intentionally organizes it to foster the best learning atmosphere for children. This environment is marked by beauty, order, and accessibility. All furniture and learning materials are designed to be child-sized, to support children’s independence. Shelves are open and easily reachable, encouraging curiosity and exploration. Every material has a specific purpose and designated place.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
„Montessori“ medžiagas
„Montessori“ medžiagos yra praktinės mokymosi priemonės, padedančios vaikams atskleisti esminius mokymosi rezultatus kartojant ir praktikuojant. Kiekvienoje medžiagoje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas tam tikrai koncepcijai ar įgūdžiams ir yra integruota klaidų kontrolė, leidžianti vaikams savarankiškai tyrinėti ir nustatyti rezultatus savo tempu. Jiems tobulėjant mokymosi programoje, „Montessori“ medžiagos tampa sudėtingesnės ir suteikia galimybių pagilinti mokymąsi.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Viso vaiko ugdymą
„Montessori“ ugdymas pabrėžia kiekvieno vaiko potencialo ugdymą per įvairias mokymosi patirtis, skatinančias jų intelektualinį, fizinį, emocinį ir socialinį augimą. Be kalbos ir matematikos, „Montessori“ mokymo programa apima praktinius gyvenimo įgūdžius, juslinę veiklą ir kultūros studijas. Visos vaiko raidos ir mokymosi dimensijos yra tarpusavyje susijusios ir laikomos vienodai reikšmingomis.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Laisvę judėjimo ir pasirinkimo
Gydytoja Maria Montessori pažymėjo, kad vaikai sėkmingai mokosi, kai turi laisvę judėti, pasirinkti savo veiklą ir siekti savo interesų. „Montessori“ klasėje vaikai gali naršyti paruoštą aplinką savo tempu, užsiimti veikla, atitinkančia jų mokymosi stilių, ir atskleisti mokymosi rezultatus per praktinę patirtį. „Montessori“ metodas pabrėžia aktyvų dalyvavimą, individualizuotą tempą, dažną savęs taisymą ir yra specialiai sukurtas taip, kad atitiktų unikalius kiekvieno vaiko poreikius ir interesus.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Vidinę motyvaciją
At our Vilnius Montessori preschool, we believe that the most profound learning occurs when children are intrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation is the natural drive that comes from within—a desire to explore, discover, and engage with the world around them. Our approach is designed to nurture this innate curiosity, fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Intrinsic motivation encourages children to pursue knowledge and skills out of genuine interest, rather than external rewards or pressures

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Automatinį ugdymą
Pagrindinis „Montessori“ metodo aspektas yra savaiminio mokymosi idėja. Ši koncepcija grindžiama įsitikinimu, kad vaikai turi gebėjimą ir norą mokytis savarankiškai, kai jiems pateikiami patrauklūs ugdymo dirgikliai. Siekiant tai paremti, „Montessori“ medžiaga buvo sukurta taip, kad sustiprintų šį gebėjimą, kad vaikai galėtų patys prisiimti atsakomybę už savo mokymosi kelionę. „Montessori“ pedagogai sukuria paruoštą aplinką ir siūlo patarimus bei padrąsinimus, kad vaikai galėtų eiti savo ugdymosi keliu.

„Montessori“ ugdymas siūlo
Laisvę neperžengiant ribų
In Vilnius Montessori prschool, freedom refers to the ability of each child to choose their activities, pursue their interests, and engage in hands-on learning that captivates their curiosity. We recognize that when children are given the freedom to explore, they develop a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.
In the Montessori classroom, freedom is not merely the absence of restrictions; it is the opportunity for children to choose their paths in learning. This autonomy empowers them to follow their interests, make decisions, and take ownership of their educational journey. By allowing children the freedom to select activities, they engage more deeply, fostering intrinsic motivation and a genuine love for learning. This self-directed exploration leads to a greater understanding of their own abilities and preferences.
While freedom is essential, it must be accompanied by limits. Limits provide the necessary boundaries within which children can explore safely and constructively. These boundaries are not arbitrary; rather, they are carefully designed to promote respect for oneself, others, and the environment. In a Montessori classroom, limits might include guidelines for group work, respect for materials, and the importance of maintaining a peaceful learning environment.Establishing limits teaches children about responsibility and the consequences of their choices. It helps them navigate social interactions, understand the needs and feelings of others, and develop self-discipline. These skills are crucial not only in a classroom setting but also in life beyond school.

„Montessori“ ugdymas turi
Mokytojo vaidmenį
The Montessori teacher’s role is centered around observing, monitoring, and supporting each child's unique learning journey. Montessori teachers pay close attention to children's interests, guiding them toward activities that are appropriate for their developmental stages while fostering a positive learning environment. They deliver short and focused individual lessons, enabling children to explore and achieve learning outcomes at their own pace. This approach allows children to engage in self-directed learning, where they can choose their activities based on their interests and developmental needs. Montessori teachers act as gentle guides rather than traditional instructors. They prepare an environment that encourages exploration and creativity, ensuring that materials and activities align with the children's interests and academic levels. By carefully observing each child, teachers can recognize their Sensitive Periods, which are times when children are particularly focused on developing specific skills or knowledge areas. In this supportive setting, children are encouraged to work independently, which fosters their reasoning and problem-solving skills. Montessori teachers provide the necessary space for children to concentrate on their work without interference, allowing them to develop confidence and independence. The role of a Montessori teacher is crucial in nurturing a child's love for learning and helping them grow into independent, responsible individuals.